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NextGen Information

The United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of Georgia migrated to CM/ECF NextGen on October 12, 2021.


What is NextGen; Frequently Asked Questions

NextGen is a filing system fully integrated with PACER. The two systems are linked by a module called Central Sign-On, which provides public electronic filers to sign in to any NextGen court using one login and password. No more individual CM/ECF logins for each court!


NextGen Frequently Asked Questions (this link will take you to the NextGen Training FAQ page of the PACER Service Center).

Central Sign-On Frequently Asked Questions


What You Should Do

  • You must have your own individual PACER account. If you do not have a PACER account, you must register for one at Shared PACER accounts cannot be used for filing now that the Court has upgraded.

          How to Register for a PACER Account (Attorney Filers)

          How to Register for a PACER Account (Filing Agents)

          How to Register for a PACER Account (Non-Attorney Filers)

  • You must have an upgraded PACER account. A key feature of NextGen is the new log on module that allows you to use your PACER account login information to access any NextGen court. This module requires that you have an upgraded PACER account. PACER accounts created after August 2014 are already upgraded. To upgrade your PACER account or to check to see if it has already been upgraded, follow these instructions:

          Pacer Learning Aid - How to Upgrade a PACER Account

  • You must know your current CM/ECF login and password. If your login information is stored in your browser it will be lost and not recoverable. Once the Court upgrades, you must link your existing CM/ECF account(s) to your upgraded PACER account(s) for Central Sign-On.
  • Does your organization need a Firm Billing Account (also known as a PACER Administrative Account)? Groups such as law firms, financial organizations, and educational or research institutions can set up a PACER Administrative Account (PAA) to manage all of their user accounts and have central billing for PACER access fees.

          PACER Administrative Account (PAA) Basics

          PACER Administrative Account (PAA) User Manual

          Register for a Firm Billing Account

  • You must link your upgraded PACER account to your current GASB CM/ECF account. Users will NOT be able to file in NextGen until their CM/ECF accounts are linked to their upgraded individual PACER accounts. You will need your current CM/ECF login and password in order to link your PACER account to your existing CM/ECF account.




NextGen for Public Users - Powerpoint Presentation

NextGen for Public Users - Powerpoint Presentation with Recording

There are several Electronic Learning Modules (ELMs) available at:


Questions or Need More Information?

Questions can be directed to the Court’s helpdesk at 912-650-4100.