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CM/ECF Training - User Guidelines/Manuals and Information

The CM/ECF user guidelines and manuals provide instructions on how to use the Case Management/Electronic Case Filing (CM/ECF) system to file, view and retrieve documents for all cases assigned to this system.

Users should have a working knowledge of internet browsers and portable document format (.pdf) software. Users who routinely save documents to a hard drive or network should also have an understanding of basic navigation tools and file structure.

Click the appropriate link on the left side of this screen to access the user guidelines/manuals.


CM/ECF Training Available

The Clerk's Office offers introductory CM/ECF training for new users and refresher training for more experienced filers. Please contact the Divisional Manager in Augusta (706-823-6000), Brunswick (912-280-1376), or Savannah (912-650-4100) to schedule your training session.